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Bellevue Hair Salon: Why Women Lose Their Hair

Common and Not So Common Hair Loss Causes

You can categorize reasons for hair loss in a few subgroups. Hair loss can be genetic, or due to diet and lifestyle, skin conditions, a hormonal imbalance, improper hair care and treatment. It can also be an autoimmune system disorder you might have, a particular medical treatment, or drugs you’re taking. Aging is another cause, however, many mature women still keep a headful of hair though there is some shedding. With age, the rate of hair growth slows down, hair becomes brittle and thinner.

Androgenic Alopecia is also called female pattern baldness, accounting for 90% of hair loss in women. You inherit it from either or both sides of the family, increasing over time and not responding to diet change nor remedies that are for non-genetic hair loss. Minoxidil or other OTC drugs may help. On the other hand, you might be producing excessive sebum, another genetic condition where too much oil blocks the hair follicles from producing hair.

Diet and lifestyle might be blamed for your hair loss.

Taking anabolic steroids to boost body-building or for a medical condition like polycystic ovarian disease, and having deficiencies in some vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, and essential fatty acids can lead to hair loss. Lack of iron and protein in your diet, excessive vitamin A, and exposure to toxic metals can affect hair regrowth. Well-known hair loss triggers like stress and smoking should be avoided. A change in diet and lifestyle can cut off hair loss.

Do you have patches of hair loss?

Check your skin condition. Fungal infections, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis can do damage to the scalp. Have a dermatologist look into it and follow the prescription.

You might have a hormonal imbalance brought about by post childbirth, menopause, birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and thyroid imbalance. Again, these may be managed and treated.

Also, you might have autoimmune conditions like Systemic Lupus which attack healthy follicles, or Alopecia Areata, which can resolve with treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause shedding of hair, as well as certain medications and drugs.

Long-term use of hair extensions, excessive styling and treatments, and constantly pulling on your hair are improper hair care routines that need addressing.

Know More About Hair Loss

Experts like your hair stylist in Bellevue can enlighten, give advice and recommend treatment by a specialist if need be. Drop by for a serious hair loss talk with Geena Moon.

Dry and Brittle Hair No More

Dry Hair Reasons You Don’t Know About

Dry hair is a condition where the hair has been stripped of its natural oils. It is not a hair type, but a condition, which means it can be treated. Don’t just concern yourself with dry hair, but the condition of your scalp as well. Do you have these symptoms? Dry hair, dull hair, split ends, plaques, scales, itching scalp, redness, and yellow particles in your comb? Then you must have an altered scalp condition called seborrheic dermatitis, accompanied by dry hair and dandruff.

What is seborrheic dermatitis? It’s a chronic inflammation of the scalp characterized by redness and itching, with production of scales and excessive oil. There may be parts that are oily, some parts are dry. This condition is one of the causes of dry hair. Another is your diet. Have you been eating an unbalanced diet, lacking especially in vitamin B? Also note that if your body is going through specific hormonal changes brought about by pregnancy, menopause, taking contraceptives or undergoing chemotherapy, your hair can be affected. It can become dry and brittle or fall off. Stress and some other emotional life distress are psychological causes that can lead to the same hair condition.

Some of your hair routines may be to blame for your dry hair as well. You might be using the wrong shampoo, too strong or too frequently, that instead strips your locks of natural oils.

Are you having too many hair treatments?

Colorings, rebondings, relaxes, smoothenings, and other salon treatments can build up on your hair and cause weak strands. Damaging also are frequent and unguided use of hair sprays, dyes, grease, and leave-ons. And also examine how you handle your hair. There might be too much physical aggression in combing or brushing, drying and using heat for styling. These habits add up and dehydrate hair.

Lastly, the weather and environmental factors can be blamed as well for dryness. Shiftings producing low humidity, extreme cold, strong winds, including indoor heating can easily get your hair parched; so is too much soaking in the sun, chlorinated pools, and in beaches.

Debunking Hair Dryness in Bellevue Hair Salon

So now you know that dry hair is not a hair type, but a condition that is treatable. Ask Geena of your Bellevue hair salon about how best to keep dryness and brittleness away from hair.

Suffer From Thinning Hair? Then Stop Doing This!

Most Common Hair Care Mistake

Do you suffer from thinning hair in spite of your conscientious hair care routine? It’s true that aging and stress are two of the main contributors to thinning hair, you might need to look at other things you’re doing that are to be blamed for hair loss. We asked some top hairstylists and they say a bad habit may be the culprit.

Tight hairdos are notorious for hair loss. Going for excessively tight ponytails, braids, and other updos that pull hair back from the hairline can lead to many problems. This habit can yank out a lot of strands leading to uprooting of the follicles or breakage of the shafts.

The use of heating tools and washing with steam water can leave hair vulnerable as the natural oils are washed away and strands are without protection. The heat causes hair follicles to open and get irritated.
While these hairstyles are cool and give you a fashionable look, do not overdo them. Once in a while, for some occasion or other, these styles are fine to wear. Hairstyles like ponytails, braids, dreadlocks, weaves, cornrows, hair extensions, and other updos done everyday can cause fall out, splitting, thinning, and hair loss, even permanent hair loss.

If you keep it up, soon you might notice early signs of hair loss. A receding hairline, some broken hairs along the hairline, or areas of baldness where your shiny scalp shows through. Then your hair in those areas may just stop growing. You can reach the stage of traction alopecia, where hair cannot grow back.
If you must sport these styles, loosen the strands, thicken the braids and dreadlocks, and do not wear them longer than one or two months. Let your scalp breathe and give your follicles a chance to recover from all that pulling. You can steam your hair but not too often. If you do, be sure to wash the steamed hair in cold water to close up the pores.

Be aware of this mistake that can end up thinning and damaging hair. Whatever hairstyle you choose, be kind to your hair and avoid consistent pulling to prevent irreparable loss.

More Hair Care Tips in Bellevue

Learn more helpful tips about hair care in Bellevue. Here at Geena Moon’s hair salon we can show you fashionable hairdos that are both kind and gentle to your strands and scalp.

Hairstyles for Women with Diamond Faces

A diamond face is defined as a face with a narrow forehead and jawline, but wide, high cheekbones. When choosing a hairstyle to go with a diamond-shaped face, your goal should be to achieve a balance in your narrow chin, minimize the width of your cheeks, and give you an overall shorter appearance. Here are a few good strategies that women with diamond faces employ:

  • A chin-length bob or a shoulder-length, kicked-out look can serve to add width to the area around your chin.
  • Look for a style that tucks in behind your ears to show off the good structure in your cheekbones.
  • If you’re wearing bangs, go for a straight-across look. This helps to shorten the appearance of a long face.
  • If you’re wearing a part, go for a side part. A middle part will add unneeded length to your face.
  • Avoid a short style that has height on top, which make your face look longer. Preferably, you should have hair down around your neck. If you’re going for a shorter length, wear bangs.

Talk to our Bellevue hair salon for further help finding just the right style for your face shape.

Hairstyles for Women with Triangular Faces

A triangular face is defined as a face wherein the forehead and cheekbones are narrow, but the jawline is wide. If you have a triangular face, it is in your best interest to favor hairstyles that encourage the appearance of narrowness in your chin while broadening your forehead. To accomplish this, consider the following tips:

  • A layered hairstyle is a good choice, as it can help to balance out and soften a prominent jaw line. In particular, try creating layers that that taper at the level of the jaw.
  • Short looks are better than long looks.
  • A middle part serves to divide the top of your face into two long, narrow portions and foster the appearance of length.
  • Avoid a hairstyle which draws attention to the chin area, such as a straight and solid bob cut.
  • Bangs that fall forward over the forehead are working against you, as they make your face look shorter and wider.

If you’re having trouble coming up with a look to suit your triangular face, you can count on Geena Moon’s Bellevue hair salon.

Hairstyles for Women with Heart-Shaped Faces

Faces that are wide at the forehead and cheekbones, but narrow at the jawline, are known as heart-shaped faces. When looking for the right hairstyle, your object should be to add length to your face while fostering the appearance of width around your chin. What follows are some strategies that serve this goal:

  • Textured, chin-length cuts are your best friend.
  • If you want to wear bangs, a soft, side-swept look is most favorable. These can act to accent your eyes and draw attention away from a pointy chin. Blunt-cut bangs make your face appear shorter and wider, which is only working against you.
  • A shoulder-length cut with wispy layers may also be a strong option. Try pairing this with some height on top.
  • Deep side parts can emphasize your cheekbones and open the face up.
  • Avoid short hairstyles or a slicked-back look that emphasizes your upper face.

For more help coming up with just the right hairstyle for your own heart-shaped face, consult the stylists at our Bellevue hair salon.

Balayage at Geena Moon Hair Salon in Bellevue

The Beauty of Balayage

Balayage has been around for years and yet only when top movie stars and models started the trend, it became a do-able hair color trend. It has become a most in-demand color treatment in many salons all over the world. People love its natural soft flow through the hair, as though sun-kissed, as if not really applied color. A great balayage process is an expert mix of color sets that brings out the final color matching the skin tone and highlighting the features of the wearer.

It’s a freehand technique that depends on skill. It differs from using foils that otherwise give clear-cut highlights. The technique is just to apply the color on the surface of hair and not needing to saturate strands through and through until the ends. Color blends well even if you start having re-growth of new hair. You wear the color longer and just need to protect it from harsh shampoos, treatments or heating. It’s great-looking on long or short hair, except for cropped hair, and on light or dark colored hair of varying textures.

Go Balayage at our Bellevue Hair Salon

Geena offers full or partial Balayage color and cut treatments at her hair salon in Bellevue. Set your appointment with Geena, who can advise you properly as to the combination and style that will look most flattering and natural with your skin tone and facial features. Though the treatment may be a bit pricey for those stunning results, Geena also offers foil color treatment and cut.

Factors Affecting How Often Should Hair Be Trimmed Part II

More Recommended Trimming Times 

Here are more ideas about how often different hairstyles and types should have a trim. There are factors that affect the frequency of hair trims. Consider these different hair types and how often it should get a trim.

Thick hair. Recommended every few months because by itself thick hair can be maintained minimally without a salon visit. However, thick strands can become unruly if they do not have regular maintenance.

Thin hair. Trimming is advised every two months. Thin hair tends to lose its luster without regular trimming. Thin hair is also prone to breakage, so it needs regular salon visits.

Coarse hair. Similar to thick hair, coarse hair needs a few months in between trimmings. If you have this type of hair, you would know when it needs a refresh. 

Fine hair. Every 6 weeks trim is advised. Very fine hair is susceptible to breakage and so hair cuts are needed regularly. Just like thin hair, fine hair trimming is easy. It’s just a matter of keeping the length. 

Straight or wavy hair. Around 10 to 12 weeks, straight or wavy hair can be snipped. However,  if the hair is fine, 2 weeks earlier is recommended. Again, this is because fine hair easily breaks. 

Coily hair. This type of hair can wait 12 weeks or a quarter of the year before a trim. However, some types of coily hair may need more frequent hair cuts because of dryness. It’s something that plagues fragile, coily hair. 

Kinky or curly hair. This hairstyle can be restricted to trimming once every 6 months. Some with kinky hair go for trims 3 times a year. It’s because, over time, the difference in growth is negligible or not too noticeable. 

Are there rules for trimming schedules for hair that go through regular chemical treatments and use hot tools? Chemically processed or dyed hair needs more regular hair cuts. Dyes make hair fragile especially at the ends. Similarly, if hair is subject to heating tools via blow drying, curling, and straightening, it can get damaged. Heat-damaged hair can be easily cut off, but gradual shaving off every few weeks can restore the health of the hair. 

Seek professional advice if your hair type falls in a variety of categories. Remember that regularly trimmed hair is healthy hair that grows much faster and looks more alive. 


Having Regular Trims in Bellevue

When you think your hair is due for a trim, come visit us at Gina Moon’s hair salon. Let’s advise you about hair trim schedules that suits your hair type and style best.

How often should I cut my hair?

The frequency of haircuts can vary depending on individual factors such as hair type, desired hairstyle, and personal preference. However, a general guideline is to get a haircut every 4 to 8 weeks. This timeframe allows for regular maintenance and helps prevent split ends and breakage.

If you’re aiming to maintain a specific style or have shorter hair, you may need more frequent trims to keep your hair looking neat and tidy. On the other hand, if you’re growing out your hair or prefer a longer style, you might be able to stretch the time between haircuts to every 8 to 12 weeks. Realistically, many clients come every 2-3 months to get a trim or even sometimes 1-3 per year.

It’s important to communicate with your hairstylist about your hair goals and preferences. They can provide personalized advice on the best schedule for your hair and help you maintain healthy locks.

Seven 2023 Trending Hairstyles You’ll Love

For All Types of Hair

Hairstylists are saying that hair trends this 2023 are taking the maximalist approach. We are done with the minimalist, subtle, and easy-does-it styles that characterize the pandemic and post-pandemic periods. Now with all that behind us, more is better, the bigger the better. Waves should be bigger, so do curls and waves, and bigger color changes.

Here are hair trends that scream back-to-office styles, back-to-normal pizazz and oomphs. Hairstylists say: for 2023, think classic looks, healthy yet voluminous, modern chic with layers, curls, and twists.
The ’90s ‘satchel cut’ is a mix between a satchel and a shag. It’s great for fine or thin hair and gives the look of more layers. The style does not make hair look limp or thin. It’s breezy and light but gives the impression of a well-thought hair style.

The Curly Shag is awesome for those with curls. It gives purpose to a hairstyle, projecting volume and freedom of movement. If you have a certain face shape and type of hair, it defines your total look.

The Long Shag is for hair lengths that you want defined and eye-catching. It volumizes where it needs to because it lifts your layers. It actually can soften facial features.

Parted in the Middle Straight Hair is a no-nonsense style for the classic lady. It’s a 70s look that’s making a comeback. Apply oil or hair serum to keep it shiny and protected all day.

The High Bun and Ponytail is a face-framing style that keeps the hair like a crown you wear. It’s so simple that it looks like you just fixed it in less than a minute. Keep in place with lots of bobby pins while a few strands are let loose for a softer look.

The Updo with Volume is a slicked-back updo that carries volume in place. If your hair is flat or fine, grab some velcro rollers and roll up in 5 or 7 places all around, let loose and pin behind. Be sure you have the volume just up enough and stay with hairspray.

The ‘90s Grunge Hair is getting everybody to fall in love with it. It’s just short or long hair with more layers and choppy pieces. The great thing is it’s achievable with any hair length or style.


Getting The Trending Look in Bellevue

Are you ready to make that style leap for 2023? Come to Geena Moon’s hair salon in Bellevue and we’ll show you more maximalist styles to define the new you in 2023.

Deep-conditioning Treatment in Bellevue

When do I know I need deep conditioning?

There are a lot of things out there that can cause damage to hair. Though healthy hair is supposedly strong and resilient, it can only take so much beating from the natural elements and the things we subject it to.

Does you hair feel dry and brittle? It can be due to too much sun and wind exposure, the winter season, chlorine immersion, wearing hats and scarves, smoking, poor diet and lack of vitamins, blow drying, and the endless bevy of hair treatments. And does your hair break easily or split at the tips? Same causes apply.

Hair has lost its elasticity, lacking moisture that enables hair to stretch when it is stressed. Sometimes, you try to rejuvenate your hair troubles by home remedies, and they are many. But they don’t always work for your hair. Too much moisture or too much protein can leave hair too stiff or too mushy.

It’s about time you see your stylist for some real, professional deep conditioning.

Leave it to a Professional

Geena Moon would tell you that deep conditioning is a preventive measure, being a part of your hair care routine. In other words, regular trips to your stylist may do your hair more good than letting things get out of hand, and ending up fretting with troubled hair at a salon, demanding a fix. Healthy hair just doesn’t happen.

Your professional stylist in Bellevue will surely know what deep conditioning your hair needs, how regular the treatment should be depending on your hair condition. Stay faithful to it for year-round healthy hair.

Hairstyles for Women with Oval Faces

The shape of your face should always be taken into consideration when you are considering a hairstyle, as a properly-planned style can bring out the positive attributes of your particular shape.

An oval face is exactly what it sounds like: a face that has a roughly oblong-circular appearance. If you think that you might have an oval face, measure both the length and width of your face. The length of an oval face is roughly equal to one and a half times the width, and the width of your forehead should be about the same as that of your haw.

Should you determine that you have an oval face, the news is good. This is generally the easiest shape to complement with a hairstyle. You should probably find that just about anything you try will look good on you. Simply consider what it is about your particular face that you want to accentuate, and experiment with different ways to bring these attributes out. Avoid anything that hangs over your eyes or covers your face up too much.

Consult Geena Moon and visit her hair salon in Bellevue for more advice on how to style your hair.

Hot Colors for the Cold Season

Some women find that their skin tone changes slightly from season to season. Since your hair is unlikely to change along with it, it pays to adjust your dyes to complement your changing look. Making the shift one or two shades warmer is a pretty good bet. If you’re looking for something new to try, consider one of these four hot colors for the winter:

  • The New Bottle Blonde: Worn by the likes of Beyoncé and Kate Hudson, this is a warm and golden blonde look that goes well with many complexions.
  • Electric Auburn: Are you a brunette? Give yourself a warmer, richer undertone with this look. You can see this look put to good use on Rihanna.
  • Rose Copper: This subtly pink variation on the redhead look can be seen on the likes of Rumer Willis and Jessica Chastain.
  • 18Multifaceted Platinum: A fascinating middle ground between golden blonde and platinum grey, this look goes beautifully with a snowy winter aesthetic. It is worn by celebrities like Julianne Hough and Rita Ora.

Talk to Geena at our Bellevue hair salon for more tips on how to get the best out of your hair this holiday season.

How Often Should You Shampoo Your Hair?

Some people will tell you that shampooing every day is one of the worst things you can do for your hair. After all, shampooing removes all of the natural oil from your hair, bringing about a dry and dull appearance. Meanwhile, your hair is more fragile when wet; rubbing your hair dry or brushing it fresh out of the shower stretches it out and causes breakage. So, how often should you be shampooing?

The common wisdom is that you should shampoo only about twice a week. However, the answer is generally not as easy as this. Different people have different needs; some can go for a while without shampooing, while others may in fact do well to wash every day.

It may take some trial and error to determine your ideal schedule. Try washing once every few days for a while, keeping in mind that your scalp may need to adjust itself. After all, if it is used to being shampooed every day, it may be over-producing oil for a while and giving you a greasier appearance than necessary. Consult our Bellevue hair salon for further help taking care of your hair.

Factors Affecting How Often Should Hair Be Trimmed

Recommended Trimming Times 

How do I know I need to trim my hair?

If you’re having split ends, this is long past the time you should have had a trim. Prior to your split ends, your hair may have been dry and brittle and may have been hard to comb or brush through. You might also find that it takes more time for you to style. Before you find your hair looking lifeless, it’s time for a trim. 

How much hair should I cut and how often?

Some experts say every 3 to 4 weeks, on the average. However, we have always been taught that 6 to 8 weeks is the norm. If you are growing out your hair, trimming is also necessary and the expert advice is between a quarter to half an inch off the hair every 12 weeks. If you want it more frequently than that, remember that hair grows generally a half inch per 30 days. It doesn’t go any faster than that. Another tip is if you notice breakage higher up the hair from the ends, trimming is advised. 

How often should I trim my bangs?

For bangs to look their best, every 2 weeks trim is recommended. Most people who want their bangs out of their eyes would go for cuts every 3 to 4 weeks. This is the time you feel your bangs have overgrown. 

How often should I trim:

Short Hair

Maintain trimming every month or every 6 weeks. This is for pixies, bowl cut, or contemporary crop. As short hair like these seem to grow much faster than shoulder length hair, they can lose their distinctiveness quickly as they tend to frame the face. So to keep them sharp-looking, regular trims are called for.

Medium-length Hair

You can have hair cuts every 6 to 8 weeks, or 8 to 12 weeks if you want to keep it longer. Styles vary from long bobs, tousled shags, or layered. You can actually keep them as long before a trim as they become more distinct over time. 

Long hair

Recommended is 3 to 6 months. That’s depending on the style – from braids, sleek/straight, curls, and beach waves. However, due to their length, long hair can break easily and appear thinner. Hair care must be in order. They are easier to maintain if you don’t use color or heat. 

Layered Hair

It’s best to trim every 6 to 8 weeks. You can easily feel this style verging to overgrowth if trimming goes beyond this time frame. Layers are distinctive as they frame the face between the cheekbones and the jawline. Trim at 6 weeks if you have many choppy layers.

Schedule an Appointment with Geena

Whatever your hair length, if you think you need to go for a trim, visit Geena Moon’s hair salon in Bellevue. Gain more hair care tips when you see her.

Customizing Your Hair Care Routine Part II

The Basic Components 

Whatever your hair type, how you wear your hair, and whatever your hair concerns are, every hair care routine has basic components. 

Cleansing hair is removing product residue, dirt, and dead skin without stripping the natural oils from the strands. But if hair is not properly washed, the oily, sticky wax called sebum builds up and attracts more dirt and residue. What’s best for you: A clarifying shampoo is a deep-working shampoo that gets rid of all build-up. Its use must be limited though to once monthly as it can strip natural oils as well. Otherwise, for regular washing so-called daily shampoos with gentler formulas can be used.

Conditioning does moisturising primarily, but as well as detangling, add shine and reduce frizz. Its main ingredient, a cationic surfactant, sticks to wet hair coating it with moisture that shampoo has removed. What’s best for you:  You can use a daily conditioner that rinses out in a few minutes. There are leave-in conditioners that you don’t need to leave out. Use this if your hair needs more nourishment and moisture. And if your hair is damaged or tends toward dryness, use a deep conditioner. 

Moisturising and Sealing is a two-step process that provides more hydration than conditioning. This is your go-to step if your hair is kinky or coily and with a tendency to dryness. The process involves sealing in the moisture by a hydrating product and sealing oil. What’s best for you: After you have done with shampoo and conditioner, apply a cream-based hair lotion and then seal with oil. The lotion protects from dryness and breaking, as the oil seals the moisture in.

Detangling is removing all those tangled knots in your hair without causing breakage. Tangles can happen to all hair types and it’s essential that you use the right tool for it, or else by mistake, you might pull out a handful of strands. Sometimes you might do detangling everyday. What’s best for you: Use a comb on wet hair, more so if it’s textured or very curly; a wide-tooth comb is safer to use. Use a brush that you’re comfortable with; settle with bristles that are not too hard on your hair and scalp; avoid too much brushing. Use detangling spray or detangling serum if need be before brushing or combing. 

Styling and Protecting go together because with so many array of products available, plus hot tools, your hair needs a lot of protection as you style. What’s best for you: Mousse provides volume and texture, especially to curls; choose one that doesn’t feel sticky. Hair wax provides more hold but shouldn’t make your hair stiff; they also add lots of shine. Pomade gives that sleek look to the hair; it’s very shiny, not drying, and lasts through the day. Styling gel gives that obvious shine and texture; different types provide anywhere from a light hold to very strong hold.

Dry Shampoo is used to eliminate extra oil which makes your hair often greasy; it’s not used everyday as it builds up on your scalp. Volumizers tend to lift your hair making it look thicker; it’s supposed to be lightweight and generally intended for limp hair. Texturizers add texture to hair and tend to preserve the style; examples are salt sprays, curl definers, foam, dry spray, etc. Shine serum or spray gives the glossy, smooth look, applied on hair surfaces except the roots. Hair spray provides a variety of holding power, but shouldn’t make hair appear stiff. Heat protection spray is important when you use heating tools; it  shields the hair strands from extreme heat.

Treatments for various hair issues include scalp treatment, protein treatment and hair masks. Scalp treatments are 1 or 2 times monthly; it uses exfoliating action that unclog follicles, stimulate blood circulation for growth, and resolves itchiness. Protein treatments give frizzy or brittle hair more protein; monthly treatments strengthen and smooth strands and fill in gaps in the cuticle. Hair masks take only a few minutes to nourish the hair with nutrients and resolve frizz, dryness, or split ends.

While most apply themselves to follow these steps faithfully, use of these products and tools vary widely and preferences differ. Find out what is best for you. Do not expect overnight results because they take time. For a more professional approach, ask your hairstylist. What is important is not the order of the routine, but your consistency. 


Customizing Your Hair Care Routine Part I

What You Need To Know 

Once you know what works for you, you can get yourself a great hair routine that can pretty much make life a lot easier for you. Before that, it can be daunting as there will be hits and misses. Here’s laying down for you what you need to know to land that hair care routine.

What’s Your Hair Type?

Firstly, know what your natural hair texture or type is. There are actually four categories and you can only have one of them – straight, wavy, curly, or kinky. There are advantages and disadvantages for each type. For example, straight hair can look sleek due to the ease that natural oils coat it. However, straight hair often lacks volume and body. On the other hand, curly hair affords volume and does not need those curling tools. But then, this hair type needs a lot of anti-frizz and conditioning products.

Is Your Hair Chemically Treated?

Then, determine if your hair has been dyed, bleached , or has undergone chemical treatments like straightening. If so, your hair needs extra work. Dyed hair calls for practices and products that prevent dryness and color fading. Bleached hair needs regular conditioning like use of hair masks to give it extra nourishment. Chemically straightened hair also needs regular conditioning and avoidance of heating tools. 

How Do You Wear Your Hair Daily?

Do you always wear it naturally, no straightening or curling?  Or do you always have to resort to hot tools like blow dryers and irons and you can’t leave the house without using them? You have to consider these, too, because frequent heat application can lead to damaged hair. Do you wear your hair in buns, ponytails, headbands, or do you braid them often? These can cause breakage and thinning. It’s another practise you have to consider.

Do You Have Current Hair Issues?

You might have specific concerns that are presently confounding you about your hair. Do you suffer from thinning and loss of hair, flaky scalp, split-ends, frizzy hair, dry and damaged hair? These problems should be addressed and remedies incorporated into your routine to be able to fix the condition. 

Knowing where you are in your hair care journey is just the first half of the task. The next part is finding the solutions to the problems. That will be the subject of our next blog.


Asking The Professional in Bellevue

When you have problems in establishing which hair care routine is best for you, do not hesitate to ask Geena Moon. Visit us at our hair salon in Bellevue.

What is Balayage?

Balayage is a coloring technique coming to us from the salons of France. First developed back in the 1970’s, it remains one of the most popular requests in salons today. It is a freehand technique, wherein the stylist applies the dyes to your hair by hand rather than with traditional foiling or cap-related highlighting techniques.

The main benefit of balayage is its versatility. You can get a wide variety of effects, including both soft, natural highlights and bold, punky colorations. Many women are also drawn to how economical and low-maintenance it is. After a well-done treatment, you can expect to not have a clear line of regrowth; therefore, even if you can’t go back in for another coloring for another month, you will not look ridiculous.

Following your balayage treatment, you should not experience any more drying in your hair than you might expect from a traditional foiling technique. Wash your treated hair with salon professional shampoos and conditioners to continue to assure that your hair looks its best.

Most women can enjoy a balayage treatment, though it works better with certain types of hair. It can be used on very short hairdos, though it is most ideal for long, flowing hair that falls below the shoulders. It is best for use on natural hair, though a good color specialist can make use of foils to accommodate your hair type or color history. In any case, be sure to use an experienced salon professional; contact Geena Moon Hair Salon in Bellevue for more information.