When do I know I need deep conditioning?
There are a lot of things out there that can cause damage to hair. Though healthy hair is supposedly strong and resilient, it can only take so much beating from the natural elements and the things we subject it to.
Does you hair feel dry and brittle? It can be due to too much sun and wind exposure, the winter season, chlorine immersion, wearing hats and scarves, smoking, poor diet and lack of vitamins, blow drying, and the endless bevy of hair treatments. And does your hair break easily or split at the tips? Same causes apply.
Hair has lost its elasticity, lacking moisture that enables hair to stretch when it is stressed. Sometimes, you try to rejuvenate your hair troubles by home remedies, and they are many. But they don’t always work for your hair. Too much moisture or too much protein can leave hair too stiff or too mushy.
It’s about time you see your stylist for some real, professional deep conditioning.
Leave it to a Professional
Geena Moon would tell you that deep conditioning is a preventive measure, being a part of your hair care routine. In other words, regular trips to your stylist may do your hair more good than letting things get out of hand, and ending up fretting with troubled hair at a salon, demanding a fix. Healthy hair just doesn’t happen.
Your professional stylist in Bellevue will surely know what deep conditioning your hair needs, how regular the treatment should be depending on your hair condition. Stay faithful to it for year-round healthy hair.