Understanding Your Child’s Hair
You probably know that a child’s hair is a lot softer than your own. Run your fingers through you little one’s hair and see and feel the fine and soft strands. Childhood hair is rounder versus your own flatter strands. This is because the medulla, which is the core of the hair, is absent in young hair, and as it develops with age the hair becomes coarser. It also becomes more difficult to work with.
Did you know that babies have more hair follicles than adults?
In the 22nd week of pregnancy, a fetus will have one million hair follicles. It is actually the largest number that a person will ever have, and new follicles will not appear or grow anymore in their lifetime. As the body grows, hair density decreases, hence the lack of hair in the elderly, and the existence of the receding hairline in others.
Due to hormonal levels, which is low in infants, scalp skin of babies is characterized by subdued sebaceous gland production. The sebaceous gland secretes sebum, a wax which maintains the acidity of the scalp and provides a coating that keeps skin supple and moist. In adults, it builds up every 2 to 3 days, so daily washing is needed. Children’s sebum do not build up so soon, experiencing longer intervals. For babies, the sebaceous gland production is not at peak, thus daily washing is not typically needed.
Children tend to have lighter hair, somewhat darkening when coming into adulthood. For example, a child who has blond hair may grow to have brown hair later in life. Younger hair have less melanin, the dark pigment in hair, skin and iris of the eye, and hair is also more transparent. As transparency decreases, hair becomes darker.
When it comes to children’s hair care products, like shampoos, because of children’s hair being more sensitive than that of adults, more abrasive products probably shouldn’t be used. Baby shampoos are formulated to ensure that hair is preserved and the child does not experience irritation, stinging or burning sensations. Shampoos are not also supposed to hurt their eyes.
Hence, it would be in the interest of young children that the parents first consult their stylist or a physician before choosing any hair care products for children’s use, or going for any professional treatment.
Caring for Young Locks in Bellevue
Know more about your child’s delicate hair and scalp at Geena Moon’s hair salon in Bellevue. We understand just how intricate hair care can be for children. We can also say the same thing for yours.